Friday, October 13, 2017

End of Act Five

October 16, 2017

E.Q: Evaluate the evolution of characters in Macbeth by creating short skits.
Obj: I can evaluate the evolution of characters in Macbeth by creating short skits. 


Connect the ideas in the song to the characters in Macbeth.

Image result for picture of macbeth


Word: Evolution
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Describe the evolution of Macbeth. 


1.  Finish Act Five 

Young Siward

Discussion Questions
Evaluate Macbeth's attitude towards his wife. 
Characterize Macbeth and the changes in his character.
Determine the purpose of including Young Siward.
Connect Macbeth's fate to the predictions of the Weird Sisters. 

Compare and contrast the original version to the film production.

3.  Macbeth in 30 Seconds

We will read through the handout together and see how long it takes us.
Then, you will take a shot at creating a 60 second version of Macbeth.

4.  60 Second Macbeth

In groups of three, you will create a 60 second version of Macbeth.
You need to reference each act and you must highlight the changes in Macbeth's character.

Use the table in the link above to help organize your ideas.
Depending on time, you will perform these to the class. 


What was your opinion on the ending of the play?

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