Monday, October 2, 2017

Macbeth Act Three, Scenes One-Three

October 3, 2017

Create a skit to summarize major events in Macbeth and demonstrate characterization.
Identify direct and indirect characterization in the play. 
Analyze the characters.
I can can a skit to summarize the events and characterization in Macbeth.
I can identify direct and indirect characterization in the play.
I can analyze the characters. 


Choose one character from the play.
Then, come up with at least 10 different adjectives that describe your character.
Put these together to create a word cloud.

Image result for macbeth word cloud


Word: Protagonist 
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: he leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Give an example of a protagonist.

Word: Antagonist
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
Your Definition: 

Image result for antagonist and protagonist


1.  Macbeth Skits

At this point we have finished reading the first two acts.
In small groups, you will work together to create a short skit that represents the major plot points and characterization of the play. 

First, as a group, create a STEAL chart for:

Then, using the characterizations from above, create a 3-5 minute skit of the first two acts.

You will need to decide which parts of the text are crucial to the story and which lines can be eliminated. 
You will also need to decide how you will make this your own unique adaptation.

With your group, create a new script and decide on your actors.
Make sure that you hold all of your group members accountable and practice before you present to the class.

2.  Act Three, Scenes One-Three

Lady Macbeth
First Murderer
Second Murderer
Third Murderer 

Discussion Questions
Analyze Banquo's perspective of Macbeth.
Analyze Macbeth's soliloquy and evaluate what it reveals about his character,
Summarize what the murderers are supposed to do.
Characterize Lady Macbeth in act three.
Predict what will happen. 

4.  Word Cloud

Based on the reading today, add 10 more adjectives to your word cloud and save it in your starter.

Image result for macbeth word cloud


Reflect on the skit.
How well did the group work together, and what would you do differently?

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