Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Allegory of the Cave

September 7, 2017

E.Q: What is truth?
How does Plato use rhetoric in the Allegory of the Cave?
Use literature circles to discuss major ideas of the story.
Obj: I  can decide what truth is.
I can evaluate how Plato uses rhetoric.
I can use literature circles to discuss major ideas of the story.


Are We Living in a Simulation?

Decide whether you agree or disagree and explain why.


Word: Enlightened
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: freed from ignorance and misinformation
Your Definition: 
Activity: Describe how one can be enlightened.  



You will read through this piece using literature circles.
I will assign the groups and you will select the role.

Discussion Director
Literary Luminary

With your groups read through pages 2- middle of 5.

2.  Rhetoric Discussion

How does Plato use rhetoric?
Reflect on the writer, audience, and context.

How does he make you believe in his ideas?

3.  Rhetoric Handout

Identify how Plato uses rhetoric on the handout.
On the backside of the paper respond to the TPEQEA prompt: 

Explain the message/ context of allegory.


Evaluate the success of your literature circle.
Write a 3 sentence reflection.

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