Thursday, September 28, 2017

Culture Projects

September 29, 2017

E.Q: Present your culture projects to small groups professionally and articulately.
Create a skit to summarize major events in Macbeth and demonstrate characterization.
Obj: I can present my culture project professionally and articulately.
I can can a skit to summarize the events and characterization in Macbeth.


Free Write Friday!!!

Write at least a half page, double spaced.

Image result for writing prompts


Word: Culture
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Describe your culture in one sentence. 

Image result for define culture


The following elements are due today: 

Cornell Notes
Informative Product

In small groups, you are responsible for sharing the information about your country.  
We will have four rounds of presentations and you will pick who you see. 
Make sure that everyone has someone to present to.

2.  Macbeth Skits

At this point we have finished reading the first two acts.
In small groups, you will work together to create a short skit that represents the major plot points and characterization of the play. 

First, as a group, create a STEAL chart for:

Then, using the characterizations from above, create a 3-5 minute skit of the first two acts.

You will need to decide which parts of the text are crucial to the story and which lines can be eliminated. 
You will also need to decide how you will make this your own unique adaptation.

With your group, create a new script and decide on your actors.
Make sure that you hold all of your group members accountable and practice before you present to the class.


Reflect on your presentation.
What are you proud of and what would you change?
What did you learn and what questions do you still have?
Any recommendations for me?

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