Monday, November 6, 2017

Maus Chapter Four

November 7, 2017

Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

E.Q: Identify central ideas of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text and provide an objective summary.


Select one of the three quotes that you found interesting from chapter five.
On one side of an index card write down the quote, and on the other side write down why you chose it and what it means. 

Image result for night chapter five


Word: Rosh Hashanah
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: the Jewish New Year festival, held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an image that represents Rosh Hashanah.

Image result for rosh hashanah


You will get together in groups of 3.
Assign yourself letters A, B, and C.
Letter A will share the quote and B and C will discuss what it means and its relevance for 3 minutes.
Then, letter A will share their interpretation.
Repeat for everyone to share. 

We will share ideas that were talked about to the whole class. 

2. Read Maus Chapter Four

Read pages 73-93.  
While you are reading find another quote that you find interesting and connects to the big idea.
We will use the Save the Last Word For Me groups to discuss this chapter from Maus. 

3.  Class Discussion

How do these two texts support the main ideas of family, freedom, and conflict?
Compare and contrast the overall plot.
How do the images in Maus impact your understanding of the story?


Evaluate your groups from the save the last word for me task.

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