Tuesday, November 21, 2017

MLA formatting and programming

November 27, 2017

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

EQ: Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine personal accounts of historical events. 


Interview Reflection

Option One:

Were you able to record your interview over break?
If so, reflect on the experience.
Write 3-5 sentences.

Option Two: 

What do you still need to do in order to complete the interview?
Make a plan to get this done today!
Write 3-5 sentences. 


Part of Speech:noun
Definition: A series of spoken, audio episodes, often focused on a particular topic or theme,like cycling or startups. 
Your Definition:
Activity: Watch the video What is a Podcast?
Write 1 thing you learned about podcast.

1.   MLA Formatting

Use the guides below to give credit to your sources in the project. 

2.  Programming

Download the Simple Audio Recorder from the app store.
You can use this to record yourself for the script or for the interview if you still need to complete it.

Follow the instructions in the Google doc to edit your podcast. 


Make a list of what you still need to work on Tuesday and Wednesday so it is finished for the due date:
Thursday, November 30.

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