Thursday, November 16, 2017

Podcast Introduction

November 17, 2017

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

EQ: Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine personal accounts of historical events. 


Free Write Friday
Create a half page, double spaced free write. 

Related image


Part of Speech:noun
Definition: A series of spoken, audio episodes, often focused on a particular topic or theme,like cycling or startups. 
Your Definition:
Activity: Watch the video What is a Podcast?
Write 1 thing you learned about podcast


Finish watching the interview from yesterday.
Make connections between the seminar and the clip.

2.  Structure

Read through the link on the structure of a podcast and take Cornell notes. 

    • Review the link here
      • What is the general structure of a podcast?
        • What might you see in each of these parts?
    • How do we typically structure papers?
      • What are the main things we must include?
    • Do we see any similarities or differences?

Transcript (stops at page 15 for first 20 minutes)

As a class, we will listen to the podcast Serial.
As you listen, pay attention to the structure.
Reflect on the organization of the information.

Serial Questions 


Knowing that you will have to create your own podcast, brainstorm possible ideas.
Think of a historical event that a family member may have experienced:
You will eventually create questions based on major topics from this event and the book topics we have discussed in class (family; freedom, and conflict)

Find someone willing to let you interview them over the next week or so.

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